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Fares Alzahrani | Contact person by email |
Master of Science, Crop Science Major Professor: Rory Mc Donnell |
Alexander Butcher | Contact person by email |
I am studying the use of synthetic elicitors as a pest management strategy in potatoes. I am also looking at mixed infection environments with Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum vectored by the potato psyllid and potato plants infected with PVY.
Crop Science option Entomology , Horticulture Major Professor: Vaughn Walton , Major Professor: Silvia Rondon |
Emily Carlson | Contact person by email |
How pesticide exposure differs between honey bees and native bees with varying landscape context.
Ph.D., Horticulture Major Professor: Ramesh Sagili |
Claire Donahoo | Contact person by email |
Major Advisor, Nik Wiman Her PhD will focus on dispersal patterns and nontarget effects of the samurai wasp, Trissolcus japonicus, a biological control agent of the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, in specialty crop areas in Oregon.
A native of Lincoln, NE, Claire received her BS in Fish & Wildlife Biology with a concentration in Conservation Biology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She then received her MS in Entomology at Montana State University in Bozeman, where she studied mortality dynamics of... |
Jen Hayes | Contact person by email |
Master of Science, Horticulture Major Professor: Gail Langellotto |
Indira Kulkarni | Contact person by email |
Terrestrial gastropod bio-control and non-target effects on endemic snails and slugs of the Pacific Northwest
Crop Science, Entomology Major Professor: Rory Mc Donnell |
Scott Mitchell Graduate Students |
Contact person by email |
My work involves field-based studies in invertebrate ecology in both natural and agricultural ecosystems. I am interested in studying the ecosystem effects of cattle, elk and deer grazing in rangelands riparian areas. I am particularly interested in the effects on native bee species and on... |
Anthony Mugica | Contact person by email |
Biology and ecology of the Flathead borer Master of Science, Horticulture Major Professor: Nik Wiman |
Kyoo Rok Park Research Associate |
Contact person by email |
Ph.D., Horticulture Major Professor: Vaughn Walton |
Ryssa Parks | Contact person by email |
Horticulture Major Professor: Man Yeon Choi |
Nima Rad | Contact person by email |