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Rory Mc Donnell

rory.mcdonnell [at]
Office: 541-737-6146
Crop Science Building
3050 SW Campus Way
My research and Extension program is focused on 1) understanding the ecology of invasive slugs and snails in agriculture, horticulture, urban areas, the natural environment and at the interface of these systems, and 2) developing and implementing novel strategies for the management of these pests. We are currently investigating the potential for using plant extracts as novel biorational molluscicides, assessing the potential for using natural enemies as biological control agents, and identifying novel attractants for use in both trapping, and attract-and-kill strategies. For more information check out our lab website -
Our research is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Services, U.S. Department of Agriculture Farm Bill, Oregon Department of Agriculture, California Department of Agriculture, European Union, Christmas Tree Promotion Board, Oregon Seed Council, Oregon Association of Nurseries, and Agricultural Research Foundation.
We have active collaborations and projects in Oregon, Washington, California, Hawaii, Florida, Ecuador, and Ireland.
Check out some of our recent work on parasitic nematodes of slugs and snails
Follow us on Twitter @RoryJMcDonnell
Want to learn more about pest slugs check out the Slug Portal and our article in Digger magazine (Growing Knowledge: Got Slime).
Some of our work and interests have been mentioned in National Geographic and the New Yorker