Contact Us

Undergraduates interested in an Entomology minor:

Anne Gearhart, Head Academic Advisor & Instructor
(541) 737-5448


General Inquiries:

For non-commercial questions about insects or pest management at home or in the garden, please reach out to your local Master Gardener Program. This is a group of trained volunteers, often from YOUR community, who are eager to assist you with pest issues.

Insect Identification:

If you have a sample and would like to have it professionally examined. Staff also accept phone calls and photos

If you have a suspected sighting of Asian Giant Hornet

If your specimen was found in a vegetable field or garden

If your specimen was found in a grass field or pasture

If you have an urban, residential, or structural pest

For all other community inquiries, consider submitting a post to the:

Another excellent resource is the "Ask Extension" system. This allows you to describe the issue and upload photos. The inquiry is then routed to statewide experts that may be able to help. When they reply, you will be notified by email. Access Ask Extension.