Graduate Study in Entomology

Vaughn Walton

Graduate Courses in Entomology

The Faculty Senate has approved the graduate option in Entomology. Currently, students must be admitted in either the graduate program in Crop Science or the graduate program in Horticulture, then elect the Entomology option. 

For program related questions, contact:


Herman A. Scullen Memorial Fellowship

The Entomology Program Area invites applications for the Herman A. Scullen Memorial Fellowship which has been established ‘to reward deserving students and to support graduate studies in apiculture at Oregon State University’. The HERMAN A. SCULLEN ENTOMOLOGY MEMORIAL FUND was established in 1986 in recognition of Dr. Scullen’s many contributions to apiculture throughout his 40-year career of teaching, research, and extension.

Fellowship Award
One fellowship valued at $1,200 will be awarded each term (Fall, Winter, Spring) during the academic year. Deserving students can receive 1-3 awards during an academic year.

This fellowship may be given in addition to other student funding (graduate teaching or research assistantship, scholarships, other fellowships).

The current solicitation is for 2 awards -Winter and Spring.

To be eligible, students must:

  1. Hold a Bachelor of Science degree and be enrolled in a graduate degree program at Oregon State University that “emphasizes apiculture, or apiculture within pollinator/pollination biology and/or ecology”.
  2. Demonstrate a desire to work in some phase of apiculture teaching, research, and/or extension.
  3. Domestic and international students are eligible.

Evaluation Criteria:
Applications will be evaluated on the following:

1. Evidence of exceptional scholastic performance at the B.S. or M.S. level.
2. Potential to conduct original high quality research relevant to apiculture in Oregon and worldwide.
3. Qualities of citizenship, leadership, character, and participation in campus and community activities.

Application Procedure:
Materials may be submitted electronically as a PDF file. Applicants should complete the attached Application Form and submit to:

The Application Form, resume/cv, personal statements and unofficial transcripts should be submitted electronically as a single pdf file to: Daniel.edge at by the application deadline - Friday, December 21, 5:00 PM (PST).

Letter of Reference should be sent directly to Daniel.edge at by the application deadline, December 21, 5:00 PM (PST).