As one of only 2 land-sea-air-space-and -sun grant universities in the nation, we consider it an honor to provide research-based, objective information to help people solve problems, develop leadership, and manage resources wisely.
Please browse the OSU Extension Service Program page for direct access to timely, useful information aimed at a public audience.
Our Extension efforts can be divided broadly into a few categories:
- Pest Identification
- Community Outreach
- Invasive Species
- Beneficial Insects & Biodiversity
- Pollinator Health
- Sampling and Preserving Insects
- Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in:
One of the most widely used Extension resources is the PNW Insect Pest Management Handbook. It includes information about pest biology and control methods. Originally produced for commercial pesticide applicators, it is now relevant for gardeners and homeowners as well. Pests are sorted by cropping system for ease of search. The handbook is updated annually, and is therefore considered the most accurate, up-to-date resource for management recommendations in the region. Click here to access: PNW Insect Pest Management Handbook
Oregonians also can ask their own insect-related questions through the convenient Ask an Expert portal, or by contacting Extension staff in a local county office.