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College of Agricultural Sciences
Entomology Program
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Govinda Shrestha
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Govinda Shrestha
Assistant Professor (Practice)
Integrated Pest Management
Insect Ecology-Movement
Affiliated with:
Southern Oregon Exp Sta
Career Links:
Entomology Program
Rondon's Irrigated Agricultural Entomology Program
Southern Oregon Research and Extension Center
Lab Group:
Ethan Frye
I accept graduate students for Horticulture
My Awards
My Publications
Outreach and Extension
Extension Service Site Publications
Weed Competition and the Critical Weed Free Period in Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.)
General grain hemp production guidelines in Oregon
Unlike hemp grown for flower or CBD, grain hemp can easily fit into customary annual cropping systems currently practiced in Oregon.
Hemp industry in the United States and Oregon
See the trends in floral, fiber and grain hemp production in the United States and Oregon counties.
Beet Curly Top Virus in Hemp | Western IPM Center | June 2023
Punya Nachappa, Ph.D. (Department of Agricultural Biology, Colorado State University), Cynthia M. Ocamb, Ph.D. (Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University), Carol Mallory-Smith, Ph.D. (Crop and Soil Science, Oregon State University), Govinda Shrestha, Ph.D. (Horticulture Department, Oregon State University) and Rebecca Creamer, Ph.D. (Entomology, Plant Pathology, Weed Science, New Mexico State University) present their research and findings in Beet Curly Top Virus in Hemp.
Statewide Needs Assessment for the Hemp Industry in Oregon
This needs assessment identifies what is known about hemp cultivation and knowledge gaps recognized by industry members, including growers, processors and allied stakeholders. This information will help establish priorities for future research and outreach efforts for the hemp industry across the state. This study aimed to identify and prioritize the research and educational needs of Oregon hemp growers and other industry members.
Biological pesticide shows potential for controlling corn earworm
Study suggests the biological pesticide Gemstar LC helps control corn earworm in hemp plants.
Aspergillus ecology and mitigation strategies in hemp production
Potential mitigation strategies for Aspergillus in indoor and outdoor hemp cultivation systems.
Aspergillus Workshop
How to minimize crop loss in hemp from beet leafhopper and beet curly top virus
How to reduce hemp crop losses to beet curly top virus.
OSU hemp crop production research update
Hemp Disease Workshop
Corn earworm management in hemp
The corn earworm can cause serious damage to outdoor hemp grown for smokable flower and CBD production in Oregon. Here's what hemp growers need to know to identify, monitor and control the corn earworm.
Monitoring for beet leafhopper adults helps halt spread of plant virus
Hemp growers need to monitor their fields regularly for adult beet leafhoppers, which can transmit the beet curly top virus. Although data for hemp is scarce, management techniques used to protect other crops are advised.
Recordings of the Southern Oregon Hemp Growers Forum
Recorded forums with OSU, ODA, and other speakers provide timely and accurate information to hemp growers in Jackson, Josephine, and Douglas counties.
Monitoreo del virus del enrollamiento de la hoja y de los piojos harinosos en los viñedos del Noroeste Pacífico
Este documento puede ser usado como una guía preliminar para la exploración de bloques en el viñedo que pueden ser sospechosos de tener GLRaVs.
Trapping and Identifying Mealybugs in Oregon Vineyards
Vineyard managers will learn how and why to trap vine mealybugs in vineyards.
Field Monitoring for Leafroll Virus and Mealybug in Pacific Northwest Vineyards
This publication focuses on in-field identification of signs and symptoms associated with grapevine leafroll-associated viruses and the insects that transmit them.