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Fritzi Grevstad

Assistant Professor (Sr Res)
fritzi.grevstad [at]

Other: 541-908-4131

Cordley Hall

Cordley Hall 3117

2701 SW Campus Way

2701 SW Campus Way
Corvallis, OR 97331

Population ecology, invasive species ecology, plant-insect interactions, biological control of weeds.

  • I am interested in the population dynamics and interactions of plants and herbivorous insects, particularly as they relate to the biological control of weeds. My current research focuses on the development of safe and effective classical biocontrol programs for invasive knotweeds (Fallopia spp.) and gorse (Ulex europaeus). In the Richardson Hall Quarantine Facility at O.S.U., our team is studying several insect species collected from the native ranges of these plants to determine if they are sufficiently host-specific and effective to be used biological controls. Further research interests include the optimization of release strategies for biocontrol, patterns of establishment and invasion, and the effects of geographic displacement on insect-plant interactions.