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W. A. J. de Milliano, van Bueren, E. T. Lammert, Voorrips, R. E., Myers, J. R., and Finckh, M. R., Resistance and resistance breeding for organic farming, in Plant Diseases and their Management in Organic Agriculture, St. Paul, MN: APS Press, 2015.
L. Lopez-Toledo, Anten, N. P. R., Endress, B. A., Ackerly, D. D., and Martínez-Ramos, M., Resilience to chronic defoliation in a dioecious understorey tropical rain forest palm, Journal of Ecology, vol. 1001584927926012161579230111289472341485824080972612269740117751553227013263717, no. 5, pp. 1245 - 1256, 2012.
L. Lopez-Toledo, Anten, N. P. R., Endress, B. A., Ackerly, D. D., and Martínez-Ramos, M., Resilience to chronic defoliation in a dioecious understorey tropical rain forest palm, Journal of Ecology, vol. 100, pp. 1245–1256, 2012.
W. C. Young, Mellbye, M. E., and Silberstein, T. B., Residue management of perennial ryegrass and tall fescue seed crops, Agronomy Journal, vol. 91, pp. 671–675, 1999.
L. Truong, Zaikova, T., Schaeublin, N. M., Kim, K. - T., Hussain, S. M., Hutchison, J. E., and Tanguay, R. L., Residual weakly bound ligands influence biological compatibility of mixed ligand shell{,} thiol-stabilized gold nanoparticles, Environ. Sci.: Nano, vol. 4, pp. 1634-1646, 2017.
L. Truong, Zaikova, T., Schaeublin, N., Kim, K., Hussain, S., Hutchison, J., and TANGUAY, R., Residual weakly bound ligands influence biological compatibility of mixed ligand shell, thiol-stabilized gold nanoparticles, Environmental Science: Nano, vol. 4, no. 8, 2017.
D. P. Berry and Crowley, J. J., Residual intake and body weight gain: A new measure of efficiency in growing cattle, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 90, no. 1, pp. 109 - 115, 2012.
A. D. Moore, Olsen, N. L., Carey, A. M., and Leytem, A. B., Residual Effects of Fresh and Composted Dairy Manure Applications on Potato Production, American Journal of Potato Research, vol. 88, no. 4, pp. 324 - 332, 2011.
M. C. Mateus and Tullos, D., Reservoir Performance Under Future Climate For Basins With Different Hydrologic Sensitivities, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2013.
J. D. Bates, Bohnert, D. W., Angell, R. F., Carpinelli, M. F., Falck, S. J., Doescher, P. S., Davies, K. W., Ganskopp, D. C., Heyerdahl, E. K., Hopkins, K. T., Miller, R. F., Pierson, F. B., Pokorny, M. L., Sheley, R., Svejcar, T., Ziegenhagen, L. L., and Vavra, M., Research progress report 2005: Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center, 2006.
S. J. DeBano, Clough, G. H., David, N., Hamm, P. B., Jensen, A., Scheiber, A., Wooster, D. E., and Rondon, S. I., Research on the development, biology, and control of potato tubermoth in the Columbia Basin conducted at OSU’s Hermiston Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Washington State Potato Conference. Washington State Potato Conference, Moses Lake, Washington, pp. 13-38, 2006.
G. S. Murthy, Rausch, K. D., Johnston, D. B., Tumbleson, M. E., and Singh, V., RESEARCH: Industrial evaluation of a dynamic controller for simultaneous saccharification and fermentation process, Industrial Biotechnology, vol. 7, pp. 298–307, 2011.
J. D. Wallace, Raleigh, R. J., and , Research in beef cattle nutrition and management.. progress report, 1962.
R. J. Raleigh and Wallace, J. D., Research in beef cattle nutrition and management -- A Progress Report, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1963.
R. J. Raleigh and Wallace, J. D., Research in beef cattle nutrition and management - A Progress Report, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1963.
R. J. Raleigh and Wallace, J. D., Research in beef cattle nutrition and management -- A Progress Report, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1961.
R. J. Raleigh and Wallace, J. D., Research in beef cattle nutrition and management - A Progress Report, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1963.
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C. C. Shock and Shock, C. B., Research, Extension, and Good Farming Practices Improve Water Quality and Productivity, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 14 - 30, 2012.
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L. Painter, RESEARCH ARTICLE: Redefining Old-Growth in Forested Wetlands of Western Washington, Environmental Practice, vol. 11, no. 02, p. 68, 2009.
A. Umar, Buermeyer, A. B., Simon, J. A., Thomas, D. C., Clark, A. B., R Liskay, M., and Kunkel, T. A., Requirement for PCNA in DNA mismatch repair at a step preceding DNA resynthesis, Cell, vol. 87, pp. 65–73, 1996.
M. S. Crossley, Schoville, S., and Rondon, S. I., Request for Colorado potato beetles samples for dispersal study, Potato Progress , vol. XV, 2015.
J. Chen, Xiao, Y., Gai, Z., Li, R., Zhu, Z., Bai, C., Tanguay, R. L., Xu, X., Huang, C., and Dong, Q., Reproductive toxicity of low level bisphenol A exposures in a two-generation zebrafish assay: Evidence of male-specific effects., Aquat Toxicol, vol. 169, pp. 204-14, 2015.
J. Chen, Xiao, Y., Gai, Z., Li, R., Zhu, Z., Bai, C., Tanguay, R. L., Xu, X., Huang, C., and Dong, Q., Reproductive toxicity of low level bisphenol A exposures in a two-generation zebrafish assay: Evidence of male-specific effects, Aquatic Toxicology, vol. 169, pp. 204 - 214, 2015.