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S. I. Rondon, The potential of precision agriculture technology in potato pest management in the Pacific Northwest, Washington-Oregon Annual Conference. Kennewick, Washington, p. 78, 2016.
S. I. Rondon, Clough, G. H., Dogramaci, M., DeBano, S. J., Hamm, P. B., and Jensen, A., Potato tuberworm research in the Columbia Basin 2006, Washington State Potato Commission. Washington State Potato Commission, Moses Lake, Washington, pp. 99-103, 2007.
S. I. Rondon, Schreiber, A., Hamm, P. B., Wohleb, C. H., Waters, T. D., Cooper, R., Walenta, D., and Reitz, S., Potato psyllid vector of zebra chip disease in the PNW, PNW Extension Publication, 633, 2017.
S. I. Rondon, Potato tuberworm samples are requested for distribution study, Potato Progress Newsletter, vol. 6, 2006.
S. I. Rondon, Potato tuberworm in the Columbia Basin, 66th annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, Portland, Oregon, p. 5, 2007.
S. I. Rondon and Xue, L., Practical Techniques and Accuracy for Sexing the Potato Tuberworm, Phthorimaea operculella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), Florida Entomologist, vol. 93, no. 1, pp. 113 - 115, 2010.
S. I. Rondon, Echegaray, E. R., Murphy, A. F., and Alvarez, J. M., Potato psyllids control with a new chemistry, 73nd Annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, p. 88, 2014.
S. I. Rondon, Corp, M., Marshall, C., and Van Vleet, S. M., A pest and beneficial insect “train-the-trainer” short course program for the Pacific Northwest, 70th annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, Portland, Oregon, pp. 55-56, 2011.
S. I. Rondon, Hamm, P. B., and Jensen, A. S., Population dynamics of the potato tubermoth in eastern Washington/Oregon, Potato Progress Newsletter, vol. 6, 2006.
S. I. Rondon, DeBano, S. J., Dogramaci, M., and Clough, G. H., Potato tuberworm pesticide screening results in Oregon, 66th annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, Portland, Oregon, p. 6, 2007.
S. I. Rondon, The Potato Tuberworm: A Literature Review of Its Biology, Ecology, and Control, American Journal of Potato Research, vol. 87, no. 224, pp. 149 - 166, 2010.
S. I. Rondon, Horneck, D. A., and Hamm, P. B., Pest management implications when using precision agriculture in an irrigated potatoes cropping system, XXVI Congreso Latinoamericano de la papa-ALAP. Congreso Latinoamericano de la papa-ALAP, Bogota, Colombia, p. 240, 2014.
S. I. Rondon, The potato tuberworm: a new or exotic pest? , XXIV International Congress of Entomology. International Congress of Entomology, Daegu, South Korea, p. 22, 2012.
S. I. Rondon, Cantliffe, D. J., and Price, J. F., Population dynamics of the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera: Aphididae) in strawberry grown under protected culture, Florida Entomologist, vol. 88, pp. 152-158, 2005.
S. I. Rondon, M. Vales, I., and Hane, D. C., Potato tuberworm screening of Oregon early generation selections, Potato Progress, vol. 8, 2008.
S. I. Rondon, The potato tuberworm in the Pacific Northwest, 68th annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, Portland, Oregon, pp. 34-35, 2009.
S. I. Rondon, Schreiber, A., Jensen, A., Hamm, P. B., Munyaneza, J. E., Nolte, P., Olsen, N. L., Wenninger, E. J., Henne, D. C., Wohleb, C. H., and Waters, T. D., Potato psyllid vector of zebra chip disease in the Pacific Northwest: Biology, Ecology and Management, OSU Extension Service, Corvallis, Oregon, PNW 633, 2012.
S. I. Rondon, Pest management strategies for potato insect pests in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, in Insecticides - Pest Engineering, 2012, pp. 309-333.
S. I. Rondon, Potato tuberworm samples are requested this year. , Potato Progress, vol. 8, 2008.
S. I. Rondon, Potato tuberworm update in the Pacific Northwest, 69th annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, Portland, Oregon, pp. 33-36, 2010.
T. J. Rodhouse, Irvine, K. M., Sheley, R., Smith, B. S., Hoh, S., Esposito, D. M., and Mata-González, R., Predicting foundation bunchgrass species abundances: model-assisted decision-making in protected-area sagebrush steppe, Ecosphere, vol. 5, no. 9, pp. 1 - 16, 2014.
C. M. Rochman, Manzano, C., Hentschel, B. T., Simonich, S. L. Massey, and Hoh, E., Polystyrene Plastic: A Source and Sink for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Marine Environment, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 47, no. 24, pp. 13976 - 13984, 2013.
E. E. Ritter, Dickinson, M. E., Harron, J. P., Lunderberg, D. M., DeYoung, P. A., Robel, A. E., Field, J., and Peaslee, G. F., PIGE as a screening tool for Per- and polyfluorinated substances in papers and textiles, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, vol. 407, pp. 47 - 54, 2017.
J. I. Rey, Hayes, P. M., Petrie, S., Corey, A., Flowers, M. D., Ohm, J. B., Ong, C. K., Rhinhart, K., and Ross, A. S., Production of Dryland Barley for Human Food: Quality and Agronomic Performance, Crop Science, vol. 49, no. 1, p. 347, 2009.
C. L. Reiber and Harper, S., Perspectives on cardiac physiological ontogeny in crustaceans, Zoology, vol. 104, pp. 103–113, 2001.