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D. Tullos, Cox, P. E. Matt, and Walter, C., Sodom and Shearer Dam Removal Effectiveness Monitoring, 2013.
D. Tullos, Brown, P. H., Kibler, K., Magee, D., Tilt, B., and Wolf, A., Perspectives on the salience and magnitude of dam impacts for hydro development scenarios in China, Water Alternatives, vol. 3, p. 71, 2010.
D. Tullos and Cox, M., Evaluating model accuracy: Predicted and observed sediment deposition following the Chiloquin Dam removal, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2009.
D. Tullos, An Investigation of the environmental conditions and processes associated with benthic community composition in restored and upstream reaches of the North Carolina Piedmont, 2005.
D. Tullos and Jennings, G., Encyclopedia of Water Science, 2008.
D. Tullos, Assessing the influence of environmental impact assessments on science and policy: an analysis of the Three Gorges Project, Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 90, pp. S208–S223, 2009.
D. Tullos, Advances in the Science and Communication of Biophysical Interactions in Riverine Landscapes II Posters, in 2014 AGU Fall Meeting, 2014.
D. Tullos and Neumann, M., A qualitative model for analyzing the effects of anthropogenic activities in the watershed on benthic macroinvertebrate communities, ecological modelling, vol. 196, pp. 209–220, 2006.
D. Tullos, Environmental impact assessment Dams Three Gorges Project Uncertainty, 2007.
D. Tullos and Walter, C., Linking fish and fluid behavior: Results from a physical model of turbulence and bioenergetics around large wood in rivers, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2013.
D. Tullos and Wang, H. - W., Morphological responses and sediment processes following a typhoon-induced dam failure, Dahan River, Taiwan, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol. 39, pp. 245–258, 2014.
D. Tullos, River restoration in China: a review of local efforts to improve the quality of lotic life, Ecological Restoration, vol. 24, pp. 165–172, 2006.
D. Tullos, Dam logic: Qualitative reasoning simulations of benthic macroinvertebrate responses to dam removal scenarios, 2007.
D. Tullos, Finn, D. S., and Walter, C., Geomorphic and ecological disturbance and recovery from two small dams and their removal, PloS one, vol. 9, p. e108091, 2014.
D. Tullos, Evidence against small dam removal as an ecological disturbance: Benthic macroinvertebrate and channel responses to dam removals in Oregon, USA, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2012.
D. Tullos, Foster-Moore, E., Magee, D., Tilt, B., Wolf, A. T., Schmitt, E., Gassert, F., and Kibler, K., Biophysical, socioeconomic, and geopolitical vulnerabilities to hydropower development on the Nu River, China, 2013.
D. Tullos, Penrose, D. L., and Jennings, G. D., Development and application of a bioindicator for benthic habitat enhancement in the North Carolina Piedmont, ecological engineering, vol. 27, pp. 228–241, 2006.
D. Tullos and Walter, C., Fish use of turbulence around wood in winter: physical experiments on hydraulic variability and habitat selection by juvenile coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Environmental Biology of Fishes, vol. 98, pp. 1339–1353, 2015.
D. Tullos, Cox, M., Walter, C., and , Simulating dam removal with a 1D hydraulic model: Accuracy and techniques for reservoir erosion and downstream deposition at the Chiloquin Dam removal, in World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010: Challenges of Change, 2010.
D. Tullos, Penrose, D. L., Jennings, G. D., and Wentworth, T. R., Homogenization of Environmental Condition and Benthic Communities in Restored Streams of the North Carolina Piedmont., in AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts, 2005.
D. Tullos, Walter, C., and Dunham, J. B., Consequences of scale of flow field observation on apparent energy expenditure and habitat selection by juvenile coho, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2015.
D. Tullos, Concurrent Sessions A: Dam Removal II-Physical and Biological Responses to Dam Removal: Evidence Against Small Dam Removal as an Ecological Disturbance, 2013.
D. Tullos and Jennings, G., Dam removal, in Encyclopedia of Water Science, Second Edition, 2008, pp. 138–142.
D. Tullos, Byron, E., Galloway, G., Obeysekera, J., Prakash, O., and Sun, Y. - H., Review of challenges of and practices for sustainable management of mountain flood hazards, Natural Hazards, vol. 83, pp. 1763–1797, 2016.