
Found 8080 results
Author Title [ Type(Asc)] Year
Journal Article
E. Ho, Dukovcic, S., Hobson, B., Wong, C. P., Miller, G., Hardin, K., Traber, M. G., and Tanguay, R. L., Zinc transporter expression in zebrafish (Danio rerio) during development., Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol, vol. 155, no. 1, pp. 26-32, 2012.
E. Ho, Dukovcic, S., Hobson, B., Wong, C. P., Miller, G., Hardin, K., Traber, M. G., and Tanguay, R. L., Zinc transporter expression in zebrafish (Danio rerio) during development, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, vol. 155, no. 1, pp. 26 - 32, 2012.
C. Olivares, Sierra-Alvarez, R., Abrell, L., Chorover, J., Simonich, M. T., Tanguay, R., and Field, J. A., Zebrafish embryo toxicity of anaerobic biotransformation products from the insensitive munitions compound 2, 4‐dinitroanisole, Environmental toxicology and chemistry, vol. 35, no. 11, 2016.
C. I. Olivares, Sierra-Alvarez, R., Abrell, L., Chorover, J., Simonich, S. L. Massey, Tanguay, R. L., and Field, J. A., Zebrafish embryo toxicity of anaerobic biotransformation products from the insensitive munitions compound 2,4-dinitroanisole (DNAN)., Environ Toxicol Chem, 2016.
C. I. Olivares, Sierra-Alvarez, R., Abrell, L., Chorover, J., Simonich, M. T., Tanguay, R. L., and Field, J. A., Zebrafish embryo toxicity of anaerobic biotransformation products from the insensitive munitions compound 2,4-dinitroanisole, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, vol. 353426213423811101119262171460151533137496155491999912148102646495238443, no. 11, pp. 2774 - 2781, 2016.
C. I. Olivares, Sierra-Alvarez, R., Abrell, L., Chorover, J., Simonich, S. L. Massey, Tanguay, R. L., and Field, J. A., Zebrafish embryo toxicity of anaerobic biotransformation products from the insensitive munitions compound 2,4-dinitroanisole., Environ Toxicol Chem, vol. 35, no. 11, pp. 2774-2781, 2016.
D. Hanigan, Truong, L., Simonich, S. L. Massey, Tanguay, R., and Westerhoff, P. K., Zebrafish embryo toxicity of 15 chlorinated, brominated, and iodinated disinfection by-products., J Environ Sci (China), vol. 58, pp. 302-310, 2017.
D. Hanigan, Truong, L., Simonich, M. T., Tanguay, R., and Westerhoff, P. K., Zebrafish embryo toxicity of 15 chlorinated, brominated, and iodinated disinfection by-products, Journal of Environmental Sciences, vol. 58, 2017.
G. W. Miller, Labut, E. M., Lebold, K. M., Floeter, A., Tanguay, R. L., and Traber, M. G., Zebrafish (Danio rerio) fed vitamin E-deficient diets produce embryos with increased morphologic abnormalities and mortality, The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 478 - 486, 2012.
G. W. Miller, Labut, E. M., Lebold, K. M., Floeter, A., Tanguay, R. L., and Traber, M. G., Zebrafish (Danio rerio) fed vitamin E-deficient diets produce embryos with increased morphologic abnormalities and mortality., J Nutr Biochem, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 478-86, 2012.
E. A. Andreasen, Hahn, M. E., Heideman, W., Peterson, R. E., and Tanguay, R. L., The zebrafish (Danio rerio) aryl hydrocarbon receptor type 1 is a novel vertebrate receptor., Mol Pharmacol, vol. 62, no. 2, pp. 234-49, 2002.
L. Truong, DeNardo, M. A., Kundu, S., Collins, T. J., and Tanguay, R. L., Zebrafish assays as developmental toxicity indicators in the green design of TAML oxidation catalysts, Green Chemistry, vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 2339-2343, 2013.
L. Truong, DeNardo, M. A., Kundu, S., Collins, T. J., and Tanguay, R. L., Zebrafish Assays as Developmental Toxicity Indicators in The Design of TAML Oxidation Catalysts., Green Chem, vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 2339-2343, 2013.
P. D. Noyes, Garcia, G. R., and Tanguay, R. L., ZEBRAFISH AS AN IN VIVO MODEL FOR SUSTAINABLE CHEMICAL DESIGN., Green Chem, vol. 18, no. 24, pp. 6410-6430, 2016.
S. M. Bugel, Tanguay, R. L., and Planchart, A., Zebrafish: A marvel of high-throughput biology for 21 century toxicology., Curr Environ Health Rep, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 341-352, 2014.
S. I. Rondon, ‘Zebra chip’ de la patata en el pacific noroeste de los Estados Unidos: una vision retrospectiva del manejo de la enfermedad, Phytoma, vol. 291, pp. 49-53, 2017.
E. A. Jeliazkova, Craker, L. E., and Zheljazkov, V. D., Y-irradiation of Seeds and Productivity of Coriander, Coriandrum sativum L. , J. Herbs Spices & Medicinal Plants, vol. 5, pp. 73-79, 1997.
F. A. Sneva, Hyder, D. Nelson, and , Yield, yield-trend, and response to nitrogen of introduced grasses on the Oregon High Desert, 1965.
J. Reimer, Li, M., and , Yield variability and agricultural trade, Agricultural & Resource Economics Review, vol. 38, p. 258, 2009.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Vick, B. A., M. Ebelhar, W., Buehring, N., Baldwin, B. S., Astatkie, T., and Miller, J. F., Yield, oil content, and composition of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) grown at multiple locations in Mississippi, Agron J., vol. 100, pp. 635-642, 2008.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Vick, B. A., M. Ebelhar, W., Buehring, N., Baldwin, B. S., Astatkie, T., and Miller, J. F., Yield, Oil Content, and Composition of Sunflower Grown at Multiple Locations in Mississippi, Agronomy Journal, vol. 100, no. 3, p. 635, 2008.
C. C. Shock, Ishida, J. K., Eldredge, E. P., and Seddigh, M., Yield of yellow onion cultivars in eastern Oregon and southwestern Idaho, HortTechnology, 2000.
M. M. Borman, Louhaichi, M., Johnson, D. E., Krueger, W. Clement, Karow, R. S., and Thomas, D. R., Yield Mapping to Document Goose Grazing Impacts on Winter Wheat, Agronomy Journal, vol. 94, no. 5, p. 1087, 2002.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Cantrell, C. L., Astatkie, T., and Hristov, A. N., Yield, content, and composition of peppermint and spearmints as a function of harvesting time and drying, J. Agric. Food Chem. , vol. 58, pp. 11400-11407, 2010.