
Found 8070 results
Author Title [ Type(Asc)] Year
A. Oregon Coa Management, Pacific whiting : Oregon's window of opportunity. The Assocation, Newport, Or., p. 1 folded sheet :, 1990.
J. W. Julian, Seavert, C., Olsen, J. L., and , Orchard economics: The costs and returns of establishing and producing hazelnuts in the Willamette Valley. 2008.
M. Colley and Myers, J. R., On-farm variety trials: A guide for organic vegetable, herb, and flower producers. Organic Seed Alliance. 2007.
R. Sattell, Dick, R., Hemphill, D. D., Selker, J., Brandi-Dohrn, F. M., Minchew, H., Hess, M., Sandeno, J., Kaufman, S. M., and , Nitrogen scavenging: using cover crops to reduce nitrate leaching in western Oregon. 1999.
K. Japhet, Hannaway, D. B., Shuler, P. E., Niess, M. L., Griffith, S. M., Fick, G. W., and Allen, G. V., National Forage Curriculum. 1998.
F. Selker and Selker, J., Monitoring Movement in Fluid-Containing Environment via Variable Heating. 2013.
W. E. Baethgen, Modelling the impact of climate change on rice production in Asia. 1997.
R. B. Matthews, Modeling the impact of climate change on rice production in Asia. 1995.
L. K. Mathew, Andreasen, E. A., and Tanguay, R. L., Misexpression of R-Spondin1 Impairs Tissue Regeneration. 2007.
D. Bachelet, MC1, a dynamic vegetation model for estimating the distribution of vegetation and associated ecosystem fluxes of carbon, nutrients, and water: technical documentation: version 1.0. 2001.
W. DK, HS, P., DG, F., Palacios, D. M., BE, L., R, D., WJ, N., DA, C., and SJ, B., The Making of a Productivity Hotspot in the Coastal Ocean. 2011.
Y. Zhao, Park, S. -il, and Daeschel, M. A., Lysozyme-chitosan films. 2007.
R. J. Raleigh, Joint HVDC Agricultural Study: Final Project Report, Executive Summary.. 1988.
J. Selker and , Irrigation system maintenance, groundwater quality, and improved production. 2004.
F. J. Brockman, Selker, J., and Rockhold, M. L., Integrated field, laboratory, and modeling studies to determine the effects of linked microbial and physical spatial heterogeneity on engineered vadose zone bioremediation. 2003.
F. J. Brockman, Selker, J., and Rockhold, M. L., Integrated field, laboratory, and modeling studies to determine the effects of linked microbial and physical spatial heterogeneity on engineered vadose zone bioremediation. 2003.
T. Delcurto, Wyffels, S., Clark, A., Kennedy, P. L., Taylor, R., and DeBano, S. J., Influence of stocking density on grazing beef cattle performance, diet composition, foraging efficiency, and diet quality on a late-spring early-summer native bunchgrass prairie. 2009.
N. G. Wiman, Dalton, D., Brewer, L., Shearer, P. W., and Walton, V. M., How to Monitor for Brown Marmorated Stink Bug in Specialty Crops. 2016.
F. Suárez, Dozier, J., Selker, J., Hausner, M. B., and Tyler, S. W., Heat transfer in the environment: Development and use of fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing. 2011.
J. Selker, Rupp, D. Earl, and , Groundwater and nitrogen management in Willamette Valley mint production. 2004.
J. Selker, Rupp, D. Earl, and , Groundwater and nitrogen management in Willamette Valley mint production. 2004.
D. Bachelet and Turner, D., Global Vegetation Dynamics: Concepts and Applications in the MC1 Model. 2015.
C. EL, RM, F., Childerhouse, S., NJ, P., L, B., and C. Baker, S., First Direct Evidence for Natal Wintering Ground Fidelity and Estimate of Juvenile Survival in the New Zealand Southern Right Whale. 2016.
J. Feaga, Selker, J., and , Field measurements of nitrate leaching below Willamette Valley row and mint crops. 2004.