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M. A. Kutzler, Molnar, J., Schlafer, D. H., Kuc, R. E., Davenport, A. P., and Nathanielsz, P. W., Maternal Dexamethasone Increases Endothelin-1 Sensitivity and Endothelin A Receptor Expression in Ovine Foetal Placental Arteries, Placenta, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 392 - 402, 2003.
L. Brewer and Sullivan, D. M., Maturity and Stability Evaluation of Composted Yard Trimmings, Compost Science & Utilization, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 96 - 112, 2003.
S. - H. Cho, Wu, J. J., and Boggess, W. G., Measuring interactions among urbanization, land use regulations, and public finance, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 85, pp. 988–999, 2003.
D. C. Ganskopp and Bohnert, D. W., Mineral Concentration Dynamics among 7 Northern Great Basin Grasses, Journal of Range Management, vol. 56, no. 2, p. 174, 2003.
D. C. Ganskopp and Bohnert, D. W., Mineral Supplementation of Beef Cows in the Western United States, Cattle Producer's Library, 2003.
D. M. Sullivan, Mineralizable nitrogen in soil: Methods and interpretations, in Western Nutrient Management Conference, 2003.
S. Kolluri, Bruey-Sedano, N., Cao, X., Lin, B., Lin, F., Han, Y. - H., Dawson, M. I., and Zhang, X. -kun, Mitogenic effect of orphan receptor TR3 and its regulation by MEKK1 in lung cancer cells, Molecular and cellular biology, vol. 23, pp. 8651–8667, 2003.
K. A. Rykbost, James, S. R., Mosley, A. R., Charlton, B. A., Hane, D. C., Eldredge, E., Voss, R., Johansen, R. H., Love, S. L., Thornton, R. E., and Shock, C. C., Modoc: A potato variety with bright red skin and early maturity for fresh market, American Journal of Potato Research, vol. 80, no. 4, pp. 235 - 240, 2003.
M. Staben, Ellsworth, J. W., Sullivan, D. M., Horneck, D. A., Brown, B., and Stevens, R. G., Monitoring soil nutrients using a management unit approach, Oregon State University Extension Service, 2003.
B. Mahadevan, Dashwood, W. - M., Luch, A., Pecaj, A., Doehmer, J., Seidel, A., Pereira, C. B., and Baird, W. M., Mutations induced by (?)-anti-11R,12S-dihydrodiol 13S,14R-epoxide of dibenzo[a,l]pyrene in the coding region of the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (Hprt) gene in Chinese hamster V79 cells, Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 131 - 139, 2003.
R. Adams, Managing the Columbia River: Instream Flows, Water Withdrawals, and Salmon Survival. The National Academies Press" address = "Washington, DC, 2004.
S. I. Rondon, Manejo integrado de plagas en el invernadero, in Manejo de cultivos hortícolas en invernadero, 2nd ed., Mexico: INTAGRI, 2004, pp. 294-317.
M. A. Kutzler, Coksaygan, T., A Ferguson, D., Vincent, S. E., and Nathanielsz, P. W., Maternally Administered Dexamethasone at 0.7 of Gestation Suppresses Maternal and Fetal Pituitary and Adrenal Responses to Hypoxemia in Sheep, Pediatric Research, no. 5, pp. 755 - 763, 2004.
H. T. Lawless, Schlake, S., Smythe, J., Lim, J., Yang, H., Chapman, K., and Bolton, B., Metallic taste and retronasal smell, Chemical Senses, vol. 29, pp. 25–33, 2004.
S. Sandra, Stanford, M. A., Mcdaniel, M. R., and Meunier-Goddik, L., Method Development for Assessing the Complete Process of Crumbling Cheese Using Hand Evaluation, Journal of Food Science, vol. 69714567743, no. 4, pp. SNQ127 - SNQ130, 2004.
N. Weisbrod, Niemet, M. R., Rockhold, M. L., McGinnis, T., and Selker, J., Migration of saline solutions in variably saturated porous media, Journal of contaminant hydrology, vol. 72, pp. 109–133, 2004.
J. Selker, Modelling Variably Saturated Flow with HYDRUS-2D., Vadose Zone Journal, vol. 3, pp. 725–725, 2004.
V. M. Walton, Daane, K. M., and Pringle, K. L., Monitoring Planococcus ficus in South African vineyards with sex pheromone-baited traps, Crop Protection, vol. 23, no. 11, pp. 1089 - 1096, 2004.
T. Delcurto, Porath, M., Parsons, C. T., and Morrison, J. A., Management Strategies for Sustainable Beef Cattle Grazing on Forested Rangelands in the Pacific Northwest, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 119 - 127, 2005.
M. A. Marszalek, Snauffer, A. M., Good, S. P., Hein, G. L., and Monte, A. E., Mentors improve the college experience of engineering undergraduates, in Proceedings Frontiers in Education 35th Annual Conference, 2005.
M. A. Marszalek, Snauffer, A. M., Good, S. P., Hein, G. L., and Monte, A. E., Mentors Improve the College Experience of Engineering Undergraduates, in Frontiers in Education 35th Annual ConferenceProceedings Frontiers in Education 35th Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, USA, 2005.