
Found 8070 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
A. Arnon, Selker, J., and Lensky, N. G., Thermohaline stratification and double diffusion diapycnal fluxes in the hypersaline Dead Sea, Limnology and Oceanography, 2016.
L. Hoagland, Colley, M., Dawson, J., Davis, J., Egel1, D., Gu, S., Mengiste, T., Myers, J. R., and Zystro, J., Tomato Organic Management and Improvement Project (TOMI): An interdisciplinary approach to managing foliar diseases in tomato, Acta Hort., 2016.
L. Hoagland, Colley, M., Dawson, J., Davis, J., Egel, D., Gu, S., Mengiste, T., Myers, J. R., and Zystro, J., Tomato Organic Management and Improvement Project (TOMI): An interdisciplinary approach to managing foliar diseases in tomato., Acta Hort., 2016.
M. Abou Najm and Higgins, C. W., Toward Nexus Equation: A Conceptual and Mathematical Framework for Water-Energy-Food Nexus, in European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2016.
L. M. Gilbertson, Melnikov, F., Wehmas, L. C., Anastas, P. T., Tanguay, R. L., and Zimmerman, J. B., Toward safer multi-walled carbon nanotube design: Establishing a statistical model that relates surface charge and embryonic zebrafish mortality., Nanotoxicology, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 10-9, 2016.
L. M. Gilbertson, Melnikov, F., Wehmas, L. C., Anastas, P. T., Tanguay, R. L., and Zimmerman, J. B., Toward safer multi-walled carbon nanotube design: Establishing a statistical model that relates surface charge and embryonic zebrafish mortality, Nanotoxicology, vol. 347, pp. 1 - 10, 2016.
J. M. Bushakra, Bradish, C. M., Weber, C. A., Dossett, M., Fernandez, G., Weiland, J., Peterson, M., Scheerens, J. C., Robbins, L., çe, S., Finn, C. E., and Bassil, N. V., Toward understanding genotype × environment interactions in black raspberry ( Rubus occidentalis L.), Acta Horticulturae, no. 1117, pp. 25 - 30, 2016.
M. Ferrari, Transgressive Freedom: On Beauvoir’s Hegelian Philosophy of Action, Southwest Philosophy Review, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 93–104, 2016.
C. A. Gaulke, Barton, C. L., Proffitt, S., Tanguay, R. L., and Sharpton, T. J., Triclosan Exposure Is Associated with Rapid Restructuring of the Microbiome in Adult Zebrafish., PLoS One, vol. 11, no. 5, p. e0154632, 2016.
C. A. Gaulke, Barton, C. L., Proffitt, S., Tanguay, R. L., and Sharpton, T. J., Triclosan Exposure Is Associated with Rapid Restructuring of the Microbiome in Adult Zebrafish, PLOS ONE, no. 5SupplSupplSuppl, p. e0154632, 2016.
C. A. Gaulke, Barton, C. L., Proffitt, S., Tanguay, R. L., and Sharpton, T. J., Triclosan Exposure Is Associated with Rapid Restructuring of the Microbiome in Adult Zebrafish., PLoS One, vol. 11, no. 5, 2016.
R. D. Stewart, Rupp, D. E., Najm, M. R. Abou, and Selker, J., A Unified Model for Soil Shrinkage, Subsidence, and Cracking, Vadose Zone Journal, vol. 15, 2016.
G. I. Gadotti, Elias, S., and Garay, A. E., Upgrading Seed Quality of Ryegrass Using a Blowing Procedure, Seed Technology, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 161-172, 2016.
G. I. Gadotti, Elias, S. G., and Garay, A. E., Upgrading Seed Quality of Ryegrass Using a Blowing Procedure, Seed Technology, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 161-172, 2016.
D. Cram, Hatch, C., Tyler, S., and Ochoa, C., Use of Distributed Temperature Sensing Technology to Characterize Fire Behavior, Sensors, vol. 1646, no. 10, p. 1712, 2016.
K. M. Schubach, Cooke, R. F., Brandao, A. P., Lippolis, K. D., Hinchliff, M. T., Bohnert, D. W., and Cerri, R. L. A., Using Hair Cortisol Concentrations to Assess the Adrenocortical Stress Response in Beef Cattle Administered Corticotrophin-Release Hormone., Journal of Animal Science, vol. 94, no. supplement5, p. 109, 2016.
C. J. Banta-Green, Brewer, A. J., Ort, C., Helsel, D. R., Williams, J. R., and Field, J., Using wastewater-based epidemiology to estimate drug consumption—Statistical analyses and data presentation, Science of The Total Environment, vol. 568, pp. 856 - 863, 2016.
S. Salleres, González, I., Arantzamendi, A., González, R., Maza, S., Jaureguibeitia, A., Hungerford, J. M., DeWitt, C. A., and Benner, R. A., Validation of the Biofish-300 HIS Enzymatic Biosensor for the Detection of Histamine in Fishery Products., J AOAC Int, vol. 99, no. 5, pp. 1338-55, 2016.
S. Bag, Frost, K., Rondon, S. I., Charlton, B. A., and Walenta, D., Variation in aphid abundance and Potato Virus Y incidence in Oregon potato, American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting. American Phytopathological Society, Tampa, Florida, 2016.
A. L. Reeve, Skinkis, P. A., Vance, A., Lee, J., and Tarara, J., Vineyard floor management influences 'Pinot Noir' vine growth and productivity more than cluster thinning, HortScience, vol. 51, pp. 1-12, 2016.
A. J. Brewer, Banta-Green, C. J., Ort, C., Robel, A. E., and Field, J., Wastewater testing compared with random urinalyses for the surveillance of illicit drug use in prisons, Drug and Alcohol Review, vol. 351051096241823243710745475819410437, no. 2, pp. 133 - 137, 2016.
T. C. Schmidt and Field, J., Water Analysis for Emerging Chemical Contaminants, Analytical Chemistry, vol. 88, no. 3, pp. 1495 - 1495, 2016.
E. K. Dixon and Strik, B. C., Weed control increases growth, cumulative yield, and economic returns of machine-harvested organic trailing blackberry, Acta Horticulturae, vol. 1133, pp. 323-328, 2016.
E. K. Dixon, Strik, B. C., and Bryla, D. R., Weed management, training, and irrigation practices for organic production of trailing blackberry: III. Accumulation and removal of aboveground biomass, carbon, and nutrients, HortScience, 2016.
E. K. Dixon, Strik, B. C., and Bryla, D. R., Weed management, training, and irrigation practices for organic production of trailing blackberry: II. Soil and aboveground plant nutrient concentrations., HortScience, 2016.