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J. - L. Cartron, Kennedy, P. L., Yaksich, P., Stoleson, S. H., and Cartron, J. L., Cooper’s Hawk (Accipiter cooperii), in Raptors of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA: University of New Mexico Press, 2010, pp. 177-193.
J. A. Carroll, Sánchez, N. C. Burdick, Broadway, P. R., Gleise, S., Ranches, J., Warren, J., Arthington, J. D., Lancaster, P. A., and Moriel, P., Prenatal Immune Stimulation Alters the Postnatal Acute Phase and Metabolic Responses to an Endotoxin Challenge in Weaned Beef Heifers, Translational Animal Science, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 1-12, 2021.
E. L. Carroll, Brooks, L., Baker, C. S., Burns, D., Garrigue, C., Hauser, N., Jackson, J. A., M. Poole, M., and Fewster, R. M., Assessing the design and power of capture-recapture studies to estimate demographic parameters for the Endangered Oceania humpback whale population, Endangered Species Research, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 147 - 162, 2015.
E. L. Carroll, Patenaude, N., Alexander, A., Steel, D., Harcourt, R., Childerhouse, S., Smith, S., Bannister, J., Constantine, R., and Baker, C. S., Population structure and individual movement of southern right whales around New Zealand and Australia, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 432, pp. 257 - 268, 2011.
C. J. W. Carroll, Slette, I. J., Griffin-Nolan, R. J., and Baur, L. E., Is a Drought a Drought in Grasslands? Productivity Responses to Different Types of Drought., Oecologia, pp. 1-10, 2021.
E. L. Carroll, CHILDERHOUSE, S. I. M. O. N. J., CHRISTIE, M. A. R. K., LAVERY, S. H. A. N. E., Patenaude, N., Alexander, A. M., Constantine, R., Steel, D., Boren, L. J., and C. Baker, S., Paternity assignment and demographic closure in the New Zealand southern right whale, Molecular Ecology, vol. 21, no. 16, pp. 3960 - 3973, 2012.
E. L. Carroll, Baker, C. S., Watson, M., Alderman, R., Bannister, J., Gaggiotti, O. E., öcke, D. R., Patenaude, N., and Harcourt, R., Cultural traditions across a migratory network shape the genetic structure of southern right whales around Australia and New Zealand, Scientific Reports, vol. 5, p. 16182, 2015.
E. L. Carroll, Patenaude, N. J., Childerhouse, S. J., Kraus, S. D., Fewster, R. M., and Baker, C. S., Abundance of the New Zealand subantarctic southern right whale population estimated from photo-identification and genotype mark-recapture, Marine Biology, vol. 158, no. 11, pp. 2565 - 2575, 2011.
E. L. Carroll, Rayment, W. J., Alexander, A. M., C. Baker, S., Patenaude, N. J., Steel, D., Constantine, R., Cole, R., Boren, L. J., and Childerhouse, S., Reestablishment of former wintering grounds by New Zealand southern right whales, Marine Mammal Science, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 206 - 220, 2014.
E. L. Carroll, Childerhouse, S. J., Fewster, R. M., Patenaude, N. J., Steel, D., Dunshea, G., Boren, L. J., and Baker, C. S., Accounting for female reproductive cycles in a superpopulation capture–recapture framework, Ecological Applications, vol. 23, no. 7, pp. 1677 - 1690, 2013.
C. A. Carr, The influence of environmental and physical factors on the thermal patterns of headwater streams, 2003.
J. B. Carr, Mills, R. R., and J., W., Compliance with the Clean Water Act: Animal Feeding Operations and the EPA, Sustainable Livestock Production in Forested and Intermountain Rangelands, 2000.
M. Carpinelli, Sheley, R., and Maxwell, B. D., Revegetating weed-infested rangeland with niche-differentiated desirable species, Journal of Range Management, vol. 57, no. 1, 2011.
M. F. Carpinelli, Russian Knapweed Control Is Improved by Mowing Prior to Fall Herbicide Application, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2006.
R. L. Carpinelli, Creating Weed-Resistant Plant Communities Using Niche-Differentiated Nonnative Species, Rangelands, vol. 58, no. 5, 2005.
M. F. Carpinelli, Schauer, C. S., Bohnert, D. W., Hardegree, S. P., Falck, S. J., and Svejcar, T., Effect of Ruminal Incubation on Perennial Pepperweed Germination, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 58, no. 6, pp. 632 - 636, 2005.
M. F. Carpinelli, Russian Knapweed Control Is Improved by Mowing Prior to Fall Herbicide Application, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2006.
M. Carpinelli, EFFECT OF RUMINAL INCUBATION ON GERMINATION OF PERENNIAL PEPPERWEED SEED, Current Forage and Livestock Production Research, p. 45, 2004.
M. F. Carpinelli, Grazing as a Management Tool for Perennial Pepperweed, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2006.
A. Carnero, Blanco-Aparicio, C., Kondoh, H., Lleonart, M. E., Martinez-Leal, J. Fernando, Mondello, C., A Scovassi, I., Bisson, W. H., Amedei, A., Roy, R., and Bisson, W. H., Disruptive chemicals, senescence and immortality, Carcinogenesis, vol. 36, pp. S19–S37, 2015.
D. H. Carlson, Lavender, D. P., and Sharrow, S. H., 1984 Progress Report -- Research in Rangeland Management: Agroforestry: Optimizing Livestock and Forest Productivity, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1984.
N. A. Carbajal-Morón, Manzano, M. G., and Mata-González, R., Soil hydrology and vegetation as impacted by goat grazing in Vertisols and Regosols in semi-arid shrublands of northern Mexico, The Rangeland Journal, vol. 39, no. 4, p. 363, 2017.
L. S. Caramalac, Moriel, P., Ranches, J., Silva, G. M., and Arthington, J. D., Comparison of Injectable Trace Minerals vs. Adjuvant on Measures of Innate and Humoral Immune Responses of Beef Heifers, Livestock Science, vol. 251, no. Article 104665, 2021.
B. Ieda Cappellozza, Cooke, R. F., Reis, M. M., Moriel, P., Keisler, D. H., and Bohnert, D. W., Supplementation based on protein or energy ingredients to beef cattle consuming low-quality cool-season forages: II. Performance, reproductive, and metabolic responses of replacement heifers, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 92, no. 6, pp. 2725 - 2734, 2014.