
Found 8080 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
M. Q. McDougall, Choi, J., Stevens, J. F., Truong, L., Tanguay, R. L., and Traber, M. G., Lipidomics and H218O labeling techniques reveal increased remodeling of DHA-containing membrane phospholipids associated with abnormal locomotor responses in α-tocopherol deficient zebrafish (danio rerio) embryos, Redox Biology, vol. 8, pp. 165 - 174, 2016.
M. Q. McDougall, Choi, J., Stevens, J. F., Truong, L., Tanguay, R. L., and Traber, M. G., Lipidomics and H2(18)O labeling techniques reveal increased remodeling of DHA-containing membrane phospholipids associated with abnormal locomotor responses in α-tocopherol deficient zebrafish (danio rerio) embryos., Redox Biol, vol. 8, 2016.
M. Q. McDougall, Choi, J., Stevens, J. F., Truong, L., Tanguay, R. L., and Traber, M. G., Lipidomics and H2(18)O labeling techniques reveal increased remodeling of DHA-containing membrane phospholipids associated with abnormal locomotor responses in α-tocopherol deficient zebrafish (danio rerio) embryos., Redox Biol, vol. 8, pp. 165-74, 2016.
S. P. Pierszalowski, Gabriele, C. M., Steel, D. J., Neilson, J. L., Vanselow, P. B. S., Cedarleaf, J. A., Straley, J. M., and Baker, C. S., Local recruitment of humpback whales in Glacier Bay and Icy Strait, Alaska, over 30 years, Endangered Species Research, vol. 31, pp. 177 - 189, 2016.
K. W. Davies, Gearhart, A., Vavra, M., Shultz, B., and Rimbey, N. R., Longer Term Rest from Grazing: A Response to Jones & Carter, Journal of Rangeland Applications, vol. 3, pp. 9–15, 2016.
C. M. Reed-Dustin, Mata-González, R., and Rodhouse, T. J., Long-Term Fire Effects on Native and Invasive Grasses in Protected Area Sagebrush Steppe, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 69, no. 4, pp. 257 - 264, 2016.
M. Gould, Kowalewski, A., Stock, T., and Lambrinos, J. G., Low Maintenance Ground Covers for Pacific Northwest Municipalities, ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting. Phoenix, AZ, 2016.
M. Gould, Kowalewski, A., Stock, T., and Lambrinos, J. G., Low Maintenance Ground Covers for Pacific Northwest Municipalities. Peer-reviewed abstract, ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting. Phoenix, AZ, 2016.
M. D. Madsen, Fidanza, M. A., Barney, N. S., Kostka, S. J., Badrakh, T., and McMillan, M. F., Low-dose Application of Nonionic Alkyl Terminated Block Copolymer Surfactant Enhances Turfgrass Seed Germination and Plant Growth, 2016.
M. D. Madsen, Low-dose Application of Nonionic Alkyl Terminated Block Copolymer Surfactant Enhances Turfgrass Seed Germination and Plant Growth, Hort Technology, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 379-385, 2016.
M. Gould, Kowalewski, A., Lambrinos, J. G., and Stock, T., Low-maintenance ground covers for Oregon schools, Digger magazine, 2016.
H. Y. Sintim, Zheljazkov, V. D., Obour, A. K., and Garcia y Garcia, A., Managing Harvest Time to Control Pod Shattering in Oilseed Camelina, Agronomy Journal, vol. 108, no. 2, p. 656, 2016.
D. B. Hannaway, Sohn, P., and Cuffe, K., MatchClover – a Progress Report.. 2016.
S. A. Mehlenbacher, Smith, D. C., and McCluskey, R. L., 'McDonald' hazelnut, HortScience, vol. 51, pp. 757-760, 2016.
M. Tarhouni, Ben Salem, F., Tlili, A., Belgacem, A. Ouled, Neffati, M., and Louhaichi, M., Measurement of the aboveground biomass of some rangeland species using a digital non-destructive technique, Botany Letters, vol. 1637511102121539, no. 31, pp. 281 - 287, 2016.
S. P. Good, A Mesic Maximum for Vegetation Water Use Across Biomes, in Emerging Issues in Tropical Ecohydrology, 2016.
S. Shiwakoti, Poudyal, S., Saleh, O., Astatkie, T., and Zheljazkov, V. D., Method for Attaining Caraway Seed Oil Fractions with Different Composition, Chemistry & Biodiversity, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 695 - 699, 2016.
S. Shiwakoti, Poudyal, S., Saleh, O., Astatkie, T., and Zheljazkov, V. D., Method for Attaining Caraway Seed Oil Fractions with Different Composition, Chemistry and Biodiversity, vol. 13, pp. 695-699, 2016.
S. Hong Park, Lee, S. In, and Ricke, S. C., Microbial Populations in Naked Neck Chicken Ceca Raised on Pasture Flock Fed with Commercial Yeast Cell Wall Prebiotics via an Illumina MiSeq Platform., PLoS One, vol. 11, no. 3, p. e0151944, 2016.
J. B. Dinkins, Smith, K. T., Beck, J. L., Kirol, C. P., Pratt, A. C., and Conover, M. R., Microhabitat Conditions in Wyoming's Sage-Grouse Core Areas: Effects on Nest Site Selection and Success., PLoS One, vol. 11, no. 3, p. e0150798, 2016.
B. Turner, Tidwell, V., Fernald, A. G., Rivera, é, Rodriguez, S., Guldan, S., Ochoa, C., Hurd, B., Boykin, K., and Cibils, A., Modeling Acequia Irrigation Systems Using System Dynamics: Model Development, Evaluation, and Sensitivity Analyses to Investigate Effects of Socio-Economic and Biophysical Feedbacks, Sustainability, vol. 85010, no. 10, p. 1019, 2016.
C. A. Mireles DeWitt and Oliveira, A. C. M., Modified Atmosphere Systems and Shelf Life Extension of Fish and Fishery Products., Foods, vol. 5, no. 3, 2016.
Y. M. Sanad, Johnson, K., Park, S. Hong, Han, J., Deck, J., Foley, S. L., Kenney, B., Ricke, S., and Nayak, R., Molecular Characterization of Salmonella enterica Serovars Isolated from a Turkey Production Facility in the Absence of Selective Antimicrobial Pressure., Foodborne Pathog Dis, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 80-7, 2016.
E. K. King, Thompson, A., Chadwick, Oa., and Pett-Ridge, J. C., Molybdenum sources and isotopic composition during early stages of pedogenesis along a basaltic climate transect, Chemical Geology, vol. 445, pp. 54–67, 2016.
J. M. B. Vendramini, F. de Oliveira, L., Sanchez, J. M. D., Yarborough, J., Perez, D., Ralston, J., and Cooke, R. F., Monensin effects on early-weaned beef calves grazing annual ryegrass pastures., Journal of Animal Science, vol. 94, no. supplement5, p. 315, 2016.