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J. A. Tanaka, Rimbey, N. R., and L. Torell, A., New faces, what does it mean for sustainable rangeland management?, 59th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management. Salt Lake City, Utah, 2004.
J. A. Tanaka, Rimbey, N. R., L. Torell, A., Taylor, “T. ”, Bailey, D., Delcurto, T., Walburger, K. J., and Welling, B., Grazing Distribution: The Quest for the Silver Bullet, Rangelands, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 38 - 46, 2007.
J. A. Tanaka, Rimbey, N. R., L. Torell, A., L. Torell, A., Rimbey, N. R., and Harris, L., New Faces: What does it mean for sustainable rangeland management, Current Issues in Rangeland Resource Economics. Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Western Coordinating Committees 55 and 40. W. Regional Publication. USU Ag. Exp. Sta, Research Rep. 190, Logan , UT, 2004.
J. A. Tanaka, Gentner, B. J., L. Torell, A., E. Bartlett, T., and Larranga, R., Response of public land ranchers to policy changes. In: Current Issues in Rangeland Resource Economics, A Western Regional Publication, 2001.
D. D. Tanaree, Duringer, J. M., Bohnert, D. W., and Craig, A. M., Microarray evaluation of bovine hepatic gene response to fescue toxicosis, World Mycotoxin Journal, vol. 67384531273358443, no. 4, pp. 419 - 426, 2013.
S. Bee Tang, Lee, J. C., Jung, J. Kyo, and Choi, M. - Y., Effect of erythritol formulation on the mortality, fecundity and physiological excretion in Drosophila suzukii., J Insect Physiol, vol. 101, pp. 178-184, 2017.
R. L. Tanguay, Pfeifer, G. P., and Riggs, A. D., PCR-aided DNaseI footprinting of single copy gene sequences in permeabilized cells., Nucleic Acids Res, vol. 18, no. 19, p. 5902, 1990.
R. L. Tanguay, Abnet, C. C., Heideman, W., and Peterson, R. E., Cloning and characterization of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) aryl hydrocarbon receptor., Biochim Biophys Acta, vol. 1444, no. 1, pp. 35-48, 1999.
R. L. Tanguay and Gallie, D. R., Translational efficiency is regulated by the length of the 3' untranslated region., Mol Cell Biol, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 146-56, 1996.
R. L. Tanguay and Reimers, M. J., Analysis of ethanol developmental toxicity in zebrafish., Methods Mol Biol, vol. 447, pp. 63-74, 2008.
R. L. Tanguay, Andreasen, E., Heideman, W., and Peterson, R. E., Identification and expression of alternatively spliced aryl hydrocarbon nuclear translocator 2 (ARNT2) cDNAs from zebrafish with distinct functions, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene Structure and Expression, vol. 1494, no. 1-2, pp. 117 - 128, 2000.
R. L. Tanguay and Gallie, D. R., Isolation and characterization of the 102-kilodalton RNA-binding protein that binds to the 5' and 3' translational enhancers of tobacco mosaic virus RNA., J Biol Chem, vol. 271, no. 24, pp. 14316-22, 1996.
R. L. Tanguay, Mathew, L. K., Sengupta, S., and Peterson, R. T., Regenerative Pathways Probed Using Chemical Genetics in Zebrafish. 2007.
R. L. Tanguay, Lamba, W., Fraser, R., Mills, P., Azarbar, A., and El-Guebaly, N., Alcohol use disorder and depression: proposed rewording of Choosing Wisely recommendation., CMAJ, vol. 189, no. 11, pp. E442-E443, 2017.
R. L. Tanguay and Gallie, D. R., Isolation and characterization of the 102-kilodalton RNA-binding protein that binds to the 5′ and 3′ translational enhancers of tobacco mosaic virus RNA, Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 271, pp. 14316–14322, 1996.
R. L. Tanguay and Gallie, D. R., The effect of the length of the 3'-untranslated region on expression in plants., FEBS Lett, vol. 394, no. 3, pp. 285-8, 1996.
R. Tanguay, An interview with Robert Tanguay, Ph.D. Interviewed by Vicki Glaser., Zebrafish, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 163-8, 2007.
R. L. Tanguay, Andreasen, E., Heideman, W., and Peterson, R. E., Identification and expression of alternatively spliced aryl hydrocarbon nuclear translocator 2 (ARNT2) cDNAs from zebrafish with distinct functions., Biochim Biophys Acta, vol. 1494, no. 1-2, pp. 117-28, 2000.
R. L. Tanguay, The Rise of Zebrafish as a Model for Toxicology., Toxicol Sci, vol. 163, no. 1, pp. 3-4, 2018.
J. M. Tarara, Chaves, B., and Strik, B. C., Grow tubes change microclimate and bush architecture but have little effect on bush biomass allocation at the end of the establishment year in blueberry., HortScience, vol. 49, pp. 596-602, 2014.
J. M. Tarara, Chaves, B., and Strik, B. C., Above- and below-ground microclimate of grow tubes in an organic mulch-incorporated, raised bed system for blueberry. , HortScience, vol. 48, pp. 1363-1369, 2013.
C. S. Tarasoff, Mallory-Smith, C., and Ingegneri, L., Vernalization responses and subsequent fertility of two climatically distinct populations of rattail fescue ( Vulpia myuros [L.] C.C. Gmel.), Weed Biology and Management, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 24 - 30, 2013.
C. S. Tarasoff, Ball, D. A., Mallory-Smith, C., Pypker, T. G., and Irvine, K. M., Site Characteristics Associated with Nuttall's and Weeping Alkaligrass in Northeastern Oregon, Northwest Science, vol. 84, no. 4, pp. 351 - 360, 2010.
S. Tardy, Orsato, A., Mologni, L., Bisson, W. H., Donadoni, C., Gambacorti-Passerini, C., Scapozza, L., Gueyrard, D., and Goekjian, P. G., Synthesis and biological evaluation of benzo [4, 5] imidazo [1, 2-c] pyrimidine and benzo [4, 5] imidazo [1, 2-a] pyrazine derivatives as anaplastic lymphoma kinase inhibitors, Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry, vol. 22, pp. 1303–1312, 2014.
M. Tarhouni, Ben Salem, F., Tlili, A., Belgacem, A. Ouled, Neffati, M., and Louhaichi, M., Measurement of the aboveground biomass of some rangeland species using a digital non-destructive technique, Botany Letters, vol. 1637511102121539, no. 31, pp. 281 - 287, 2016.