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“Relationship between genetic distance and heterosis for yield and morphological traits in winter canola (Brassica napus L.)”, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, vol. 91, no. 1, 1995.
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, “Remote Antarctic feeding ground important for east Australian humpback whales”, Marine Biology, vol. 161, no. 5, pp. 1087 - 1093, 2014.
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, “Resilience to chronic defoliation in a dioecious understorey tropical rain forest palm”, Journal of Ecology, vol. 1001584927926012161579230111289472341485824080972612269740117751553227013263717, no. 5, pp. 1245 - 1256, 2012.
, “Resilience to chronic defoliation in a dioecious understorey tropical rain forest palm”, Journal of Ecology, vol. 100, pp. 1245–1256, 2012.
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, “Seed biology in the 21st century: perspectives and new directions”, Plant and Cell Physiology, vol. 53, pp. 1-4, 2012.
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, “Seedbank responses to spring and fall prescribed fire in mountain big sagebrush ecosystems of differing ecological condition at Lava Beds National Monument, California”, Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 96, pp. 1 - 8, 2013.
, “Selection of a Water-Extractable Phosphorus Test for Manures and Biosolids as an Indicator of Runoff Loss Potential”, Journal of Environment Quality, vol. 36, no. 5, p. 1357, 2007.
, “Selection of transformation efficient barley genotypes based on TFA (transformation amenability) haplotype and higher resolution mapping of the TFA loci”, Plant Cell Reports, 2017.
, “Selenium and Selenoprotein Deficiencies Induce Widespread Pyogranuloma Formation in Mice, while High Levels of Dietary Selenium Decrease Liver Tumor Size Driven by TGFα”, PLoS ONE, no. 2, p. e57389, 2013.
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, “Sex Pheromone of the Peach Aphid, Tuberocephalus momonis, and Optimal Blends for Trapping Males and Females in the Field”, Journal of Chemical Ecology, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 601 - 609, 2000.