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“Expanding on Successful Concepts, Models, and Organization.”, Environ Sci Technol, vol. 50, no. 17, pp. 8921-2, 2016.
, “Expanding on Successful Concepts, Models, and Organization.”, Environ Sci Technol, vol. 50, no. 17, 2016.
, “Expanding on Successful Concepts, Models, and Organization”, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 50, no. 17, pp. 8921 - 8922, 2016.
, “Evaluation of the Gap Intercept Method to Measure Rangeland Connectivity”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, 2024.
, “Evaluation of seed vigor tests for canola”, Seed Technol, 1997.
, “Evaluation of commercial sugar beet hybrids for resistance to beet curly top in Malheur County”, Plant Disease Management Reports, vol. BC21, 2006.
, “Evaluation and management of high-risk pregnancy in the mare. ”, in Current Therapy in Large Animal Theriogenology 2, Elsevier Sciences, 2007.
, “Evaluating the effectiveness of pesticides in controlling potato psyllids”, 98th Annual Meeting of the Potato Association of America. Potato Association of America, Spokane, Washington, p. 81, 2014.
, “Evaluating different rates of activated carbon in commercially produced seed coatings in laboratory and field trials”, Restoration Ecology, 2024.
, “Evaluating a multi-generational reintroduction program for threatened salmon using genetic parentage analysis”, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, vol. 73, no. 5, pp. 844 - 852, 2016.
, “Estrogen-like activity of perfluoroalkyl acids in vivo and interaction with human and rainbow trout estrogen receptors in vitro”, Toxicological sciences, p. kfq379, 2010.
, “Estimation of leaf area index in sagebrush steppe with low cost unoccupied aerial systems”, Landscape Ecology, vol. 40, no. 2, 2025.
, “ESTIMATING PLANT AVAILABLE NITROGEN IN BIOSOLIDS: A REVISION”, Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, vol. 2000, no. 1, pp. 174 - 186, 2000.
, “Estimates of Fine Fuel Litter Biomass in the Northern Great Basin Reveal Increases During Short Fire-Free Intervals Associated with Invasive Annual Grasses”, Science of The Total Environment, p. 160634, 2022.
, “EOARC Field Day Report, The Sagebrush Steppe: Sustainable Working Environments: Sustainable Resotration”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1997.
, “EOARC, Annual Report: Western Juniper Woodland Program”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1995.
, “EOARC, Annual Report: The Influence of Supplemental Alfalfa Quality on the Intake and Utilization of Low Quality Roughage by Beef Cattle with Varying Levels of Protein Requirements”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1995.
, “Environmental Limitation Mapping of Potential Biomass Resources across the Conterminous United States”, Global Change Biology: Bioenergy, pp. 1-18, 2018.
, “Enterprise Budget: Winter Wheat, Conventional Tillage and No-Till, Willamette Valley Region”, Oregon State Extension Service Publication, 2010.
, “Enterprise Budget: Spring Wheat, Willamette Valley Region”, Oregon State Extension Service Publication, 2010.
, “Enterprise Budget: Spring Oats, Willamette Valley Region”, Oregon State Extension Service Publication, 2010.
, “Effects of ungulate herbivory on aspen, cottonwood, and willow development under forest fuels treatment regimes”, Forest Ecology and Management, vol. 276, pp. 33 - 40, 2012.
, “Effects of ungulate herbivory on aspen, cottonwood, and willow development under forest fuels treatment regimes”, Forest ecology and management, vol. 276, pp. 33–40, 2012.
, “Effects of three novel resistant black raspberry selections on Amphorophora agathonica feeding behavior and performance”, Arthropod-Plant Interactions, vol. 912110055284191107881351371011614130749721321410597144935117967146523735571848146212, no. 5, pp. 487 - 496, 2015.
, “Effects of supplementation frequency on performance, reproductive, and metabolic responses of Brahman-crossbred females”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 86, no. 9, pp. 2296 - 2309, 2008.