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D. G. Thomas, Klaessig, F., Harper, S., Fritts, M., Hoover, M. D., Gaheen, S., Stokes, T. H., Reznik-Zellen, R., Freund, E. T., Klemm, J. D., and , Informatics and standards for nanomedicine technology, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology, vol. 3, pp. 511–532, 2011.
U. Nachshon, Shahraeeni, E., Or, D., Dragila, M., and Weisbrod, N., Infrared thermography of evaporative fluxes and dynamics of salt deposition on heterogeneous porous surfaces, Water Resources Research, vol. 47, no. 12, 2011.
S. I. Rondon and Marchosky, R., Insect Identification Report Update, 70th annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, Portland, Oregon, pp. 57-59, 2011.
R. Sheley, Jacobs, J., and Martin, J., Integrating 2,4-D and sheep grazing to rehabilitate spotted knapweed infestations, Journal of Range Management, vol. 57, no. 4, 2011.
A. Mishra, Harper, S., and Yun, S. - I., Interaction of biosynthesized gold nanoparticles with genomic DNA isolated from E. coli and S. aureus, in Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), 2011 11th IEEE Conference on, 2011.
I. Joughin, Abdalati, W., Fahnestock, M., Smith, B. E., Howat, I. M., and Scambos, T., interactions are needed to determine its vul-nerability to retreat in the coming decades., Eos, vol. 92, 2011.
M. A. Scherr, Wooster, D. E., and Rao, S., Interactions between macroinvertebrate taxa and complex environmental gradients influencing abundance and distribution in the Umatilla River, Northeastern Oregon, Journal of Freshwater Ecology, vol. 26847391135271, no. 2, pp. 255 - 266, 2011.
J. E. F. F. R. I. C. BOHLSCHEID, Osborne, J. P., ROSS, C. A. R. O. L. Y. N. F., and EDWARDS, C. H. A. R. L. E. S. G., INTERACTIVE EFFECTS OF SELECTED NUTRIENTS AND FERMENTATION TEMPERATURE ON H2S PRODUCTION BY WINE STRAINS OF SACCHAROMYCES, Journal of Food Quality, vol. 34235110241445953661465036154051527513147453094, no. 1, pp. 51 - 55, 2011.
R. S. Rasmusse Hellberg, Naaum, A. M., Handy, S. M., Hanner, R. H., Deeds, J. R., Yancy, H. F., and Morrissey, M. T., Interlaboratory evaluation of a real-time multiplex polymerase chain reaction method for identification of salmon and trout species in commercial products., J Agric Food Chem, vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 876-84, 2011.
C. L. Phillips, Nickerson, N., Risk, D., and BOND, B. A. R. B. A. R. A. J., Interpreting diel hysteresis between soil respiration and temperature, Global Change Biology, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 515 - 527, 2011.
A. C. Chiaia-Hernandez, Banta-Green, C. J., and Field, J., Interpreting methamphetamine levels in a high-use community, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 18, pp. 1471–1477, 2011.
R. Contreras, Ruter, J. M., Conner, J., Zeng, Y., and Ozias-Akins, P., Interspecific hybridization in Tecoma Juss. (Bignoniaceae): Confirmation of hybridity using GISH and morphology. 2011.
S. Mangla, Sheley, R., James, J. J., and Radosevich, S. R., Intra and interspecific competition among invasive and native species during early stages of plant growth, Plant Ecology, vol. 21212217832617628776261228223341817587787917876613980711111408098210156231675441591125211221347511831871508411849131, no. 4, pp. 531 - 542, 2011.
E. D. Levin and Tanguay, R. L., Introduction to zebrafish: Current discoveries and emerging technologies for neurobehavioral toxicology and teratology, Neurotoxicology and Teratology, vol. 33, no. 6, p. 607, 2011.
E. D. Levin and Tanguay, R. L., Introduction to zebrafish: current discoveries and emerging technologies for neurobehavioral toxicology and teratology., Neurotoxicol Teratol, vol. 33, no. 6, p. 607, 2011.
D. G. Takush and Osborne, J. P., Investigating High Hydrostatic Pressure Processing as a Tool for Studying Yeast during Red Winemaking, American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 536 - 541, 2011.
A. Dreves, IPM program development for an invasive pest: coordination, outreach and evaluation, Pest Management Science, vol. 67, no. 11, pp. 1403 - 1410, 2011.
K. MB, RC, M., and H, N., Isolation of microRNAs that regulate seed dormancy, in Methods in Molecular Biology: Seed Dormancy, vol. 773, A. R. Kermode, Ed. Totowa: Humana Press, 2011, pp. 199-213.
J. Sanders, Myers, M. S., Tomanek, L., Cali, A., Takvorian, P. M., and Kent, M. L., Ichthyosporidium weissii n. sp. (Microsporidia) Infecting the Arrow Goby (Clevelandia ios), Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 258 - 267, 2012.
A. R. Moldenke, Dieterrich, T., Luh, H. K., Lytle, D., Miller, J. C., and VerLinden, D., Identificacion de arthropodos asistido por computador: Actualizacion de los programas de la Universidad del Estado de Oregon., in Acarologia Latinoamericana, Texcoco: Colegio de Postgraduados, 2012, pp. 162-167.
W. Fan, Xu, Y., and Qian, M. C., Identification of Aroma Compounds in Chinese “Moutai” and “Langjiu” Liquors by Normal Phase Liquid Chromatography Fractionation Followed by Gas Chromatography/Olfactometry, vol. 1104. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 2012, pp. 303 - 338.
G. Wang, Leonard, J. M., Ross, A. S., C. Peterson, J., Zemetra, R. S., Garland-Campbell, K., and Riera-Lizarazu, O., Identification of Genetic Factors Controlling Kernel Hardness and Related Traits in a Recombinant Inbred Population Derived from a Soft X ‘Extra-soft’ Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Cross, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2012.
B. J. Place and Field, J., Identification of novel fluorochemicals in aqueous film-forming foams used by the US military, Environmental science & technology, vol. 46, pp. 7120–7127, 2012.
B. M. Schwartz, Contreras, R., Harris-Schultz, K. R., and Raymer, P. L., Identification or Creation of a Putative Triploid Seashore Paspalum. 2012.
R. D. Stewart, Najm, M. R. Abou, Rupp, D. E., and Selker, J., An image-based method for determining bulk density and the soil shrinkage curve, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 76, pp. 1217–1221, 2012.