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S. Wada, Nonogaki, H., Reed, B. M., and , Identifying blackberry cultivars by seed structure. Oregon State University, Extension Service, 2010.
Z. H. Reed, Immunological and physiochemical characterization of fish myosins, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 2010.
B. McMullen, The impact of information technology on motor carrier productivity, in Journal of the Transportation Research Forum, 2010.
B. Weber and Crandall, M., IMPACTS OF WELFARE REFORM ON RURAL PEOPLE AND PLACES IN THE UNITED STATES, Welfare Reform in Rural Places: Comparative Perspectives: Comparative Perspectives, vol. 15, pp. 19–40, 2010.
N. P. Anderson, Improving Cover Crops with Crimson Clover Brochure, Crimson Clover. Circular 10-2. Oregon Clover Commission., 2010.
A. Stone, Incorporating High Tunnels into a Diversified Organic Vegetable Farm in Oregon: Case Study of Gathering Together Farm, 2010. [Online]. Available:
R. Contreras and Ruter, J. M., Induced polyploidy in Japanese cedar, Proc. 55th Ann. SNA Res. Conf., vol. 55:25-29. 2010.
Y. Noguchi, Hughes, P. S., Priest, F. G., Conner, J. M., and Jack, F., The influence of wood species of cask on matured whisky aroma—identification of a unique character imparted by casks of Japanese oak, Distilled Spirits—New Horizons: Energy, Environment and Enlightenment, Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, pp. 243–251, 2010.
S. I. Rondon, Insect Identification Service, 69th annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, Portland, Oregon, pp. 92-94, 2010.
J. C. Miller, Insects and Relatives, Chapter 7: Oregon’s Fish and Wildlife In A Changing Environment,, in Oregon Climate Change Research Institute, Oregon Climate Assessment Report, 2010.
S. I. Rondon, Insects found in grass seed fields in eastern Oregon, 69th annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, Portland, Oregon, pp. 79-80, 2010.
M. Rudenko and Hulting, A. G., Integration of chemical control with restoration techniques for management of Fallopia japonica populations, Management of Biological Invasions, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 37 - 49, 2010.
S. Harper, Hutchison, J., Maddux, B. L. S., and Tanguay, R. L., Integrative strategies to understand nanomaterial-biological interactions, International Perspectives on Environmental Nanotechnology, p. 51, 2010.
K. W. Davies, Nafus, A. M., and Johnson, D. D., Interim medusahead management guide for the Intermountain West, EOARC Technical Repoert, 2010.
J. J. James and Rinella, M. James, Invasive plant managers should calculate effect size not P-values, Invasive Plant Science and Management, vol. 3, pp. 106-112, 2010.
C. Monaco, Invasive Plants on Rangelands: A Global Threat, Rangelands, vol. 32, no. 1, 2010.
R. K. Vander Meer, Preston, C. A., and Choi, M. - Y., Isolation of a Pyrazine Alarm Pheromone Component from the Fire Ant, Solenopsis invicta, Journal of Chemical Ecology, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 163 - 170, 2010.
S. P. Good, Wang, L., and Caylor, K. K., Isotope Techniques For The Partitioning of Evapotranspiration Into Its Constituent Components, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2010.
T. Delcurto, Issues in Grazing Livestock Nutrition. 2010.