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W. Visessanguan, Menino, A. R., Kim, S. M., and An, H., Cathepsin L: a predominant heat-activated proteinase in arrowtooth flounder muscle., J Agric Food Chem, vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 2633-40, 2001.
D. Villeneuve, Volz, D. C., Embry, M. R., Ankley, G. T., Belanger, S. E., Léonard, M., Schirmer, K., Tanguay, R., Truong, L., and Wehmas, L., Investigating alternatives to the fish early-life stage test: a strategy for discovering and annotating adverse outcome pathways for early fish development., Environ Toxicol Chem, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 158-69, 2014.
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L. Truong, Saili, K. S., Miller, J. M., Hutchison, J. E., and Tanguay, R. L., Persistent adult zebrafish behavioral deficits results from acute embryonic exposure to gold nanoparticles., Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol, vol. 155, no. 2, pp. 269-74, 2012.
L. Truong, Reif, D. M., St Mary, L., Geier, M. C., Truong, H. D., and Tanguay, R. L., Multidimensional in vivo hazard assessment using zebrafish., Toxicol Sci, vol. 137, no. 1, pp. 212-33, 2014.
L. Truong, Gonnerman, G., Simonich, M. T., and Tanguay, R. L., Assessment of the developmental and neurotoxicity of the mosquito control larvicide, pyriproxyfen, using embryonic zebrafish., Environ Pollut, vol. 218, pp. 1089-1093, 2016.
L. Truong, Moody, I. S., Stankus, D. P., Nason, J. A., Lonergan, M. C., and Tanguay, R. L., Differential stability of lead sulfide nanoparticles influences biological responses in embryonic zebrafish., Arch Toxicol, vol. 85, no. 7, pp. 787-98, 2011.
L. Truong, Zaikova, T., Richman, E. K., Hutchison, J. E., and Tanguay, R. L., Media ionic strength impacts embryonic responses to engineered nanoparticle exposure., Nanotoxicology, vol. 6, no. 7, pp. 691-9, 2012.
L. Truong, Mandrell, D., Mandrell, R., Simonich, S. L. Massey, and Tanguay, R. L., A rapid throughput approach identifies cognitive deficits in adult zebrafish from developmental exposure to polybrominated flame retardants., Neurotoxicology, vol. 43, pp. 134-142, 2014.
L. Truong, Bugel, S. M., Chlebowski, A., Usenko, C. Y., Simonich, S. L. Massey, Simonich, S. L. Massey, and Tanguay, R. L., Optimizing multi-dimensional high throughput screening using zebrafish., Reprod Toxicol, vol. 65, pp. 139-147, 2016.
L. Truong, Tilton, S. C., Zaikova, T., Richman, E., Waters, K. M., Hutchison, J. E., and Tanguay, R. L., Surface functionalities of gold nanoparticles impact embryonic gene expression responses., Nanotoxicology, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 192-201, 2013.
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F. Tilton, La Du, J. K., Vue, M., Alzarban, N., and Tanguay, R. L., Dithiocarbamates have a common toxic effect on zebrafish body axis formation., Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, vol. 216, no. 1, pp. 55-68, 2006.
F. Tilton, La Du, J. K., and Tanguay, R. L., Sulfhydryl systems are a critical factor in the zebrafish developmental toxicity of the dithiocarbamate sodium metam (NaM)., Aquat Toxicol, vol. 90, no. 2, pp. 121-7, 2008.