
Found 4 results
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Filters: Keyword is User-Computer Interface and Author is Ware, Doreen  [Clear All Filters]
Journal Article
S. Naithani, Preece, J., D’Eustachio, P., Gupta, P., Amarasinghe, V., Dharmawardhana, P. D., Wu, G., Fabregat, A., Elser, J. L., Weiser, J., Keays, M., Fuentes, A. Munoz- Pome, Petryszak, R., Stein, L. D., Ware, D., and Jaiswal, P., Plant Reactome: a resource for plant pathways and comparative analysis., Nucleic acids research, vol. 45, pp. D1029-D1039, 2018.
S. Avraham, Tung, C. - W., Ilic, K., Jaiswal, P., Kellogg, E. A., McCouch, S., Pujar, A., Reiser, L., Rhee, S. Y., Sachs, M. M., Schaeffer, M., Stein, L., Stevens, P., Vincent, L., Zapata, F., and Ware, D., The Plant Ontology Database: a community resource for plant structure and developmental stages controlled vocabulary and annotations., Nucleic acids research, vol. 36, pp. D449-54, 2008.
C. Liang, Jaiswal, P., Hebbard, C., Avraham, S., Buckler, E. S., Casstevens, T., Hurwitz, B., McCouch, S., Ni, J., Pujar, A., Ravenscroft, D., Ren, L., Spooner, W., Tecle, I., Thomason, J., Tung, C. - W., Wei, X., Yap, I., Youens-Clark, K., Ware, D., and Stein, L., Gramene: a growing plant comparative genomics resource., Nucleic acids research, vol. 36, pp. D947-53, 2008.
P. Jaiswal, Ni, J., Yap, I., Ware, D., Spooner, W., Youens-Clark, K., Ren, L., Liang, C., Zhao, W., Ratnapu, K., Faga, B., Canaran, P., Fogleman, M., Hebbard, C., Avraham, S., Schmidt, S., Casstevens, T. M., Buckler, E. S., Stein, L., and McCouch, S., Gramene: a bird’s eye view of cereal genomes., Nucleic acids research, vol. 34, pp. D717-23, 2006.