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D. M. Sullivan and Miller, R. O., Compost quality attributes, measurements, and variability, in Compost utilization in horticultural cropping systems, 2001.
D. M. Sullivan, Bary, A. I., Nartea, T. J., Myrhe, E. A., Cogger, C. G., and Fransen, S. C., Nitrogen Availability Seven Years After a High-Rate Food Waste Compost Application, Compost Science & Utilization, vol. 11, no. 38, pp. 265 - 275, 2003.
D. M. Sullivan, Hart, J. M., and Christensen, N. W., Nitrogen uptake and utilization by Pacific Northwest crops, Oregon State University Extension Service, 1999.
D. M. Sullivan, Fransen, S. C., Cogger, C. G., and Bary, A. I., Biosolids and Dairy Manure as Nitrogen Sources for Prairiegrass on a Poorly Drained Soil, jpa, vol. 10, no. 4, p. 589, 1997.
D. M. Sullivan, Fransen, S. C., Bary, A. I., and Cogger, C. G., Fertilizer Nitrogen Replacement Value of Food Residuals Composted with Yard Trimmings, Paper or Wood Wastes, Compost Science & Utilization, vol. 63, no. 18, pp. 6 - 18, 1998.
D. M. Sullivan and Havlin, J. L., Flow Injection Analysis of Urea Nitrogen in Soil Extracts, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 55, no. 1, p. 109, 1991.
D. M. Sullivan, Fertilizing with biosolids, Corvallis, Oregon: Oregon State University. Extension Service.; Pullman, Washington: Washington State University. Extension.; Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho. Extension.; Washington, DC: US Dept. of Agriculture., 2015.
D. M. Sullivan and Havlin, J. L., Soil and Environmental Effects on Urease Inhibition by Ammonium Thiosulfate, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 56, no. 3, p. 950, 1992.
D. M. Sullivan and Andrews, N., Estimating plant-available nitrogen release from cover crops, Oregon State University Extension Service, 2012.
D. M. Sullivan and Havlin, J. L., Thiosulfate Inhibition of Urea Hydrolysis in Soils: Tetrathionate as a Urease Inhibitor, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 56, no. 3, p. 957, 1992.
D. M. Sullivan, Cogger, C. G., Bary, A. I., and Fransen, S. C., Timing of dairy manure applications to perennial grass on well drained and poorly drained soils, Journal of soil and water conservation, 2000.
D. M. Sullivan, Nartea, T. J., Bary, A. I., Cogger, C. G., and Myhre, E. A., NITROGEN AVAILABILITY AND DECOMPOSITION OF URBAN YARD TRIMMINGS IN SOIL, Soil Science, vol. 169, no. 10, pp. 697 - 707, 2004.
D. M. Sullivan and Cogger, C. G., Post-harvest soil nitrate testing for manured cropping systems west of the Cascades, Extension Service, Oregon State University, 2003.
D. M. Sullivan, Datta, R., Andrews, N., and Pool, K., Predicting plant-available nitrogen release from cover crop residues, in Proceedings of the Western Nutrient Management Conference, 2011.
D. M. Sullivan, Estimating plant-available nitrogen from manure, Extension Service, Oregon State University, 2008.
D. M. Sullivan, Bary, A. I., Cogger, C. G., and Shearin, T. E., Predicting Biosolids Application Rates for Dryland Wheat across a Range of Northwest Climate Zones, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, vol. 40, no. 11-12, pp. 1770 - 1789, 2009.
D. M. Sullivan, Strik, B. C., and Bryla, D. R., EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVE MULCHES FOR BLUEBERRY OVER FIVE PRODUCTION SEASONS, Acta Horticulturae, no. 1076, pp. 171 - 178, 2015.
D. M. Sullivan, Andrews, N. A., Luna, J. M., and McQueen, J., Estimating N contribution from organic fertilizers and cover crop residues using online calculators, in Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science, 2010.
D. M. Sullivan, McQueen, J., and Horneck, D. A., Estimating nitrogen mineralization in organic potato production, Extension Service, Oregon State University, 2008.
D. M. Sullivan, Mineralizable nitrogen in soil: Methods and interpretations, in Western Nutrient Management Conference, 2003.
D. M. Sullivan and Goldstein, N., Urban facility delivers food waste composting capacity., BioCycle, 2010.
D. M. Sullivan and Stevens, R. G., Agricultural phosphorus management using the Oregon/Washington phosphorus indexes, Extension Service, Oregon State University, 2003.
D. M. Sullivan, Cogger, C. G., Bary, A. I., Myhre, E. A., and Choate, J., Predicting N availability from yard debris, in Proc. Western Nutrient Mgmt. Conf, 2001.
D. M. Sullivan and Heinrich, A., Providing Organic Nutrient Management Guidance to Processed Vegetable Growers, Oregon State University, 2017.