Interactions of Nitrosomonas europaea and Nitrobacter winogradskyi grown in co-culture.

TitleInteractions of Nitrosomonas europaea and Nitrobacter winogradskyi grown in co-culture.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsPérez, J, Buchanan, A, Mellbye, B, Ferrell, R, Chang, JH, Chaplen, F, Bottomley, PJ, Arp, DJ, Sayavedra-Soto, LA
JournalArch Microbiol
Date Published2015 Jan
KeywordsAmmonia, Bacterial Load, Carbon Dioxide, Coculture Techniques, Culture Media, Energy Metabolism, Gene Expression, Genes, Bacterial, Microbial Interactions, Movement, Nitrites, Nitrobacter, Nitrosomonas europaea, Oxygen Consumption, Transcription, Genetic, Transcriptome

Nitrosomonas europaea and Nitrobacter winogradskyi were grown singly and in co-culture in chemostats to probe for physiological differences between the two growth conditions. Co-culture growth medium containing 60 mM NH4 (+) resulted in a cell density (0.20-0.29 OD600) greater than the sum of the densities in single chemostat cultures, i.e., 0.09-0.14 OD600 for N. europaea with 60 mM NH4 (+)and 0.04-0.06 OD600 for N. winogradskyi with 60 mM NO2 (-). The NO2 (-)- and NH4 (+)-dependent O2 uptake rates, qRT-PCR, and microscopic observations indicated that in co-culture, N. europaea contributed ~0.20 OD600 (~80 %) and N. winogradskyi ~0.05 OD600 (~20 %). In co-culture, the transcriptomes showed that the mRNA levels of 773 genes in N. europaea (30.2 % of the genes) and of 372 genes in N. winogradskyi (11.8 % of the genes) changed significantly. Total cell growth and the analysis of the transcriptome revealed that in co-culture, N. europaea benefits more than N. winogradskyi.

Alternate JournalArch. Microbiol.
PubMed ID25362506